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VIRTUAL Fall Abundance Workshop

  • Private Zoom Link (map)

Unwind, release, reset, and reimagine your life in perfect balance and harmony as we step into the abundant Fall season.

Please join us for a very special Virtual Fall Abundance Workshop!

Wednesday September 28th 2022

5:30 PM PST / 8:30 PM EST


In Fall, as we watch leaves fluttering to the ground, we are reminded that nature's cycles are mirrored in our lives. At this time, we are still celebrating the abundance of what we’ve achieved so far in our lives, while preparing for the next cycle of life.

Fall is a time for letting go and releasing things we no longer want in our lives, things that have been a burden, or that have not served our greater good. Fall reminds us of the impermanence of everything. We've experienced the budding of life in spring and the flowerings and profusions of summer; now the leaves change and fall, reminding us of the fleeting nature of all things.

Fall is kicked off by the Equinox, a time when day and night are equal, but as the season progresses, the night becomes longer. A time to explore and cultivate an embodied sense of balance in body, mind and heart. Fall Equinox is a time to feel the presence of both light and shadow and how they dance together to create balance. Fall Equinox represents the harvest, allowing us to reflect on the expansion and the intentions we are planting, and also what needs to be cleared away to fully embrace and receive what we are bringing in.

Please join me for a very special virtual Fall Equinox & Libra New Moon Workshop! An opportunity to reflect, reset, and cultivate balance in our lives.

- Restorative yin yoga to ground energy in the body, open the heart, and clear the mind.

- Powerful meditation, visualization & journaling to activate abundance, creativity and intuition.

- Deep relaxation with a healing sound bath to cultivate balance in our lives.

A private access link for the recording will be sent to you with your RSVP! Please SCROLL DOWN IN YOUR EVENTBRITE CONFIRMATION EMAIL FOR YOUR PRIVATE ACCESS LINK.

What you will need for this experience:

1. A phone or laptop.

2. Headphones will enhance the experience.

3. A quiet space where you can comfortably sit or lay down and relax.

5. An eye pillow or eye mask for savasana during the sound bath is a great addition.

*Optional: your favorite crystals, sacred objects, or candles to create a peaceful and healing atmosphere

*If you are unable to join live you are able to use the recording as a part of your daily practice for the week to come!

A private access link for the recording will be sent to you with your RSVP!

September 11

VIRTUAL Pisces Full Moon Sound Bath Ceremony

October 8

Aries Full Moon Sunset Sound Bath on Manhattan Beach